KCLC believes that...

Each child is unique

Each child is celebrated for his/her own unique gifts and intelligences and have unlimited potential to learn.

Environment plays a role

Children develop their full potential in a warm and caring environment, KCLC provides the ideal home away from home environment.

Early education is key

Preschool is a critical stage of growth and development

KCLC programs focus on:

Inculcating Values

KCLC believes that values formation in young children is equally important as their cognitive, physical and socio-emotional development. Children inculcate the values of Respect, Responsibility, Compassion and Care towards themselves, their family and their community through KCLC’s values formation program.

Providing Experiential & Developmentally Appropriate Activities

At KCLC, the curriculum is based on a progressive approach focusing on content based instruction and interactive and integrative methods that are developmentally appropriate for children. It also adopts integrated thematic teaching and infuses the theory of multiple intelligences by Dr. Howard Gardner inside the classrooms, to discover each child’s learning style and unique blend of intelligences.

Orchestrating Purposeful Play

In KCLC, play is well-crafted to serve different purposes. Regular outdoor play develops gross motor skills, dramatic outdoor play area fosters language and socio-emotional and cognitive development, art activities develop creativity and fine motor skills for kids of all ages. KCLC has all kinds of play for your child's holistic development.